Graphic Encounter provides professional fine art+ custom framing consulting services to distinguished Interior Designers + Architects + Purchasing Agents + Hotel Developers, that specialize in the design and implementation of boutique hotels + casin…




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In his work Stefan Reiss has been researching for almost ten years in the fields of drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, projection and LED programming. He develops specific works for the different media, which are mutually connected and establish contextual relationships between them. The basis of all his works are simple signs which, in their reduction, focus on the sign itself. In complex compositions, however, the meaning of the individual sign is replaced by multiple multiplication and gains its very own meaning through superimposition.

In his first works he generated digital straight lines, in which he changed a fixed number of parameters, and thus realized a multitude of digital drawings. Already during this creative process, the need arose to translate these digital drawings from the virtual paper into three-dimensional painting, which through their relief structure give the signs a spatial depth, while at the same time taking up the pictorial composition of the drawings. The equally possible interpretation of the drawings of planar structure or spatial nesting as a third transformation suggested the transformation of the drawings into three-dimensional space. By means of spatial expansion, the signs were given back a physicality. The digital signs are extended by the actual spatial dimension and completely leave the virtual space.

For Stefan, the retransformation of digital elements into comprehensible space is the further development of current digitalization. The entire industry, now almost global, is currently focusing on the necessary digital transformation, which will change many production processes, the whole administration and service, teaching and research and our entire daily life in the coming years. His assumption is that in the near future humans will increasingly want to experience again with all their senses, experience their environment comprehensively and necessarily give the digital body a comprehensible body again. The process of creation is then digital, but the digital work leaves digital space at a certain point in time and becomes an actual body.