Graphic Encounter provides professional fine art+ custom framing consulting services to distinguished Interior Designers + Architects + Purchasing Agents + Hotel Developers, that specialize in the design and implementation of boutique hotels + casin…


Many people look at my work and say they've never seen anything quite like it.  

I often see things other people don’t; things people can see if attention is paid an attention to detail often overlooked.

An early childhood temporary loss of hearing created my expansive sense of seeing, leaving me to see things a little differently, creating a curiosity regarding seeing which I love exploring and sharing. It\'s such a delightful and playful way to experience the world.  

As adults, we admire children’s wonderment, their ability to delight in the beauty of nature, their joy and curiosity. This body of work features large-scale, fine-art prints displaying the play of light, a reflection of my sense of wonder. Rainbows swirl on the steam of morning coffee. Reeds on a bay seem to be hand-drawn with ink. A bird’s flight paints streaks of light.